
We all just wanting to be different in some way and the ones that are different get ridiculed and made a outcast. Their are no outcast on this island we are all made odd. it's just the odds are strong in others and those are the one who open doors for people with no thoughts.They just there toying around and we are here to create a different World .

I created Amess Clothing LLC. & NopeKing LLC. is new only differents is Nope is more for the people that have there hearts broken or played with its just to show "Nope" I dont care anymore im me and im going to fail but im also going to learn with every failure. to show we are loud and crazy and silly but we are never lonely the arts drive us and we drive it its a never ending cycle and i would like to open a invitation to anyone who would like to be apart of my company and grow with me.

Change is coming will you be with it or against it at the end of the day remember you are Amess so live to understand.

If you would like to join the Amess Crew email me [email protected]

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